Organization Environmental Education Professional Learning / Professional Development Provider
Organization* |
Organization Type* |
Organization Website |
The URL must start with "http://" or "https://" (if not sure, in a new browser window, go to the website and copy-paste the URL). The Link Text can be a shortened version of your website (such as or leave it blank and the URL will be the Link Text.
Professional Learning Overview |
Add a description of your organization's professional learning offerings. (Pull lower right corner of the text field to enlarge your typing view.)
Logo |
Upload your organization's logo image, and/or answer the next question below, if we can use the logo from your website.
Logo from Your Website |
May we use the logo from your website to display with your program offerings?
EEAC Organization Member |
Is your organization a member of EEAC?
Program The EE program(s) offered by the organization
Program Name* |
Name of the professional development opportunity or opportunities your organization offers.
Program Description |
Describe the professional development opportunities your organization offers.
Audience* |
Length / Duration |
Fees |
Grade Level |
Credits Offered |
Other Services |
Does your organization offer any other services to teachers besides professional development?
For Further Information |
Enter the web address if different from the organization website (entered above). The URL must start with "http://" or "https://" (if not sure, in a new browser window, go to the web address and copy-paste the URL). The Link Text can be a shortened version of the web address (such as or leave it blank and the URL will be the Link Text.
Additional Contacts |
If additional contact information (emails, phone numbers, directory information, etc.), enter them here.
Human?* |
2 × 1 = ?
Correct response required.