When scaled to global proportions and considering the scorched earth policies of presidents, kings, dictators, authoritarians, totalitarians and corporations throughout history and who presently still hold power, this is a radical, revolutionary, and certainly courageous question. To challenge an authority that abuses land they consider their own can be a dangerous move, the source of global conflict, including war. On the local level, the question remains the same, how do we protect property that is not ours and get someone to stop acts of destruction upon it? At what point in our earth’s decline do we, as an enlightened society, decide to step up and defend nature, give the earth its due or at least not act upon it in ways that decrease not only human but nature’s (as we knew it) ability to survive here?

My approach to this question focuses on actions that could be taken in the local sphere. How might we stand up to local public authorities and private owners who act upon their properties with little regard to honoring even basic patterns of nature? I am willing to share my own recent experiences trying to maintain garden spaces on DOE (NYC Dept of Education) property in the Bronx. I confess, it is an ongoing struggle, the battle is not over - so these reports are more or less “live” and “from the ground.” I am grateful to be involved in this struggle and hope that our work might serve as testimony to the idea that struggle truly exists and we surely need some ideas and discussion around it.

Responding or initiating with insight, asking questions, suggesting ideas - and sharing your own experiences is totally in line with what I will be providing in a series of occasional posts. I’m hoping to create a community forum in this space by inviting your voices to help convey the perspective of nature, the pollinators, the plants, the ecosystems that support biodiversity and life from your own little corner of the world. I believe many of us are feeling the urgency to address the crisis happening in our lifetime and before our eyes. I hope this can become a safe and respected public space to gather and discuss ways to confront authorities who have little ecological awareness yet determine the use of land. What challenges have you experienced defending nature on public/private lands? Please share your story by clicking on the Post Reply button.