Digitized past print issues of the EEAC newsletters, 27 issues available between 1978-1990 below.
If you have past EEAC newsletters, 1974 through 2007, not shown on this website or where part of the newsletter is missing as indicated in the issue’s description, please contact us.
2007-2019 (37) | 1991-2005 (34) | 1978-1990 (27)
Available issues are listed below the following table of contents.
† indicates missing pages.
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—missing pages— “As Pogo once said, We is Faced with Unsurmountable Opportunity!!” | The Parks Council’s preliminary proposal for a 65-acre Esplanade Park along the Hudson River | –missing pages– | EEAC Draft Goals and Objectives by the EEAC Goals Committee | Round Once—Delphic Process | EEAC NEWS—Note on the Museum Educational Services Aid Bill; EEAC Legislative Committee to meet with Roy Torkelson, Dept Commissioner, State Dept of Environmental Conservation and Regional Administrator Carol Ash; Concern about a National Science Teachers Association program to have students release 300,000 helium ballons; Alert: American Littoral Society urging action to protect 10 acres of Jamaica Bay; Staten Island Greenbelt Stewardship opposing excessive development of the Farm Colony site; PPEC received acid rain materials from the Canadian Consulate with a suggestion; Prospect Park Environmental Center celebrated its 10th Birthday Party; PPEC grown to serve 26,000 children a year; John Muir received an Environmental Quality Award from the US EPA on Earth Day; Editorial in NY Times praised Mike Zamm’s program for “training more than 5,000 students in advocacy for the environment;” Thanks to Mike Zamm and Nancy Wolf on “The Political Process” program with talks by Councilman Sheldon Leffler, Patricia Mallone, Carol Shenigo, Lenore Miller, and Mike Zamm; Ken Kowald to receive the Kirschenbaum Award for Committent to Environmental Education |
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Chairman’s Message: What We Can Do That’s Useful | EEAC NEWS: Legislative Committee Update on the final drafts of the State’s syllabus booklets infused with environmental concepts by EEAC; Political Action and the Environment at the NY Academy of Sciences; EEAC Will Honor Science Fair Participant; The Rewards of School Gardening at the NY Botanical Garden; Take A Moment… set aside time to periodically review our past, the direction we’re heading in, and look into the future; Essays Depict History of Environmental Education: “The Development of Environmental Education in New York City: Personal Perspectives;” Introductions to new Steering Committee members: Carol Garfinkel, Roger Hart, Marcia Kaplan-Mann; North River Sewage Treatment Plant; The New York Academy of Sciences: A Rich Resource for Education; SPOTLIGHTS—’Metroline’ panel (Environmental Action Coalition, NYC Sanitation, and a private waste consultant) discussion on resource recovery and recycling; Alley Pond Environmental Center honors John Kominski; New York Newsday article, “The Urban Environment – The Street Naturalist,” profiles John Muir | Photography in Winter; Supplying Water to a Thirsty Populace; Letter to Mel Miller, Speaker of The Assembly, New York State Legislature, seeking support for the Museum Educational Services Aid Bill (4328-C) | NEWS FROM—Alley Pond Environmental Center Programs: Exhibit Reception “Changing Scenes;” Astronomy (third Friday of every month); Greenhouse Photography (field trip); Nature in the Old Testament (interpretive nature walk); Travelogue: Kenya; Early Morning Birdwalk; Ticks, Mosquitos, and Other Insects of Concern (talk and walk); Dogwoods in Bloom (photography workshop); Tai Chi in the Woodlands; L.I. Motor Pkwy slide show and discussion; Hike the L.I. Motor Pkwy; Lecture: The Matinecock Indians; Sandcastle Building (field trip); Sandcastle Building and Beach Processes, Jones Beach (with William Nieter); Whale Watch, Montauk, LI | The American Institute of Science and Technology, 1988 50th NYC School Science Fair | Bronx River Restoration Project, Inc., published booklet, “A Walker’s Guide to the Bronx River Parkway Restoration” | Brooklyn Children’s Museum program: The Secret Life of Plants | City Volunteer Corps recruits, trains, and fields New Yorkers to provide community service | Clay Pit Ponds State Park Preserve recreational and educational programs | Coalition For The Bight newsletter, “Watch on the Waterfront” | Con Edison with the Bronx Community School District Science Coordinators co-sponsored a “Bronx Science Resources Awareness Conference” | Council on the Environment of New York City’s Open Space Greening Program: Plant-A-Lot, Green Bank, Grow Truck, The Tree Label Service, and School Greening | Councilman Sheldon Leffler’s Leffler-Messinger-Goldin bill which sets annual recycling requirements | Crystal Run Environmental Education Center programs: “Living the Good Life in Rockland,” “Farm and Forest Day Camp” | Environmental Action Coalition: Teacher-Training workshops at Plant a Tree for Arbor Day | Environmental Quest, Inc.: Work weekend on the Clearwater Sloop, Saugherties, NY; Explorer Post 8, Camp-Out at Pouch Camp, Staten Island; C.O.P.E. Course at Ten Mile River; Explorer Olympics at Kingsborough College; Clearwater Revival | Gateway Environmental Studies Center’s Spring Series: Breaking Ground For A School Garden, Plant A Tree for Arbor Day, Project Learning Tree, Springboard to the Arts | Hoyt Farm Park Preserve: Land Management and Restoration Conference | The Institute For Earth Education workshops, principles of Earth Education and “Earth Care-Takers” program, co-sponsored by Starflower Consulting and the Queens College Center for Environmental Teaching and Research | Lehman College: “Women and the Environment: Old Problems, New Solutions” | New Jersey School of Conservation: Project Wild and CLASS Project Workshop, Field Studies in Social Studies and Outdoor Pursuits | NYC Dept of Parks and Recreation publications from its Natural Resources Group: “The Country in the City” – New York’s natural parklands; “Up With Trees” – A children’s guide to trees; Guides to Marine, Pelham Bay, Van Cortlandt, Kissena, and Cunningham Parks | New York Green Party and New York University Environmental Conservation Education Program’s Ecologues: “Politics and the Environment in Central America;” “Ecological Restoration and Sustainable Wealth: A Positive Strategy on the Politics of Place;” and “Minimata Disease: A Japanese Environmental Problem” | New York State Marine Education Association: “Innovative Marine Environment Workshops at the Elementary School Level;” “Aquaculture in the Shellfish Industry;” NYSMEA and the Science Museum of Long Island Seafood Cook-fest; and NYSMEA’s Annual Conference, “Marine Magic” | Pocono Environmental Education Center (PEEC) events: “The Write Stuff: Children and Nature” by the American Nature Study Society; “Outdoor Leadership and Human Relations Skills;” “Voyage of the Mimi Workshop;” “Magic of Spring” with John Serrao; Warbler Weekend; “Watching Bird Behavior” with Donald and Lillian Stokes | Prospect Park Environmental Center (PPEC) programs: Arbor Day Plant-A-Tree Workshop; Rock of Ages: The Geology of Greenwood; Litchfield’s Villa Tour; Loew’s Kings Theater: Flatbush Movie Theaters with Charles Sinclair; Olmstead’s Prospect Park; Historic Williamsburg; Mini-course: “Brooklyn Under Our Feet” | Queens Botanical Garden accepting applications for its Senior Garden | Queens College Center for Environmental Teaching and Research: live hawks and owls, Birds of Prey program | Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine at NYU Medical Center: programs by horticultural therapists at the Enid A. Haupt Glass Garden | Science Council of NYC workshops and exhibitions: “Science in an Excited State” | Staten Island Friends of Clearwater and the sloop Clearwater sponsors a free Waterfront Festival | Transportation Alternatives by bicycle-riding New Yorkers | United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) environmental essay contest | Wave Hill Public Garden’s Maple Sugar Festival | Watson Summer Ecology Workshops and the Sierra Club: the west coast Environmental Workshop | EMPLOYMENT/VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES—NYC Dept of Parks and Recreation, Natural Resources Group: six months stationed at Pelham Bay Park Environmental Center; two naturalist positions at Riverdale Park, Bronx, and Forest Park, Queens; Urban Park Ranger positions for summer 1988 season | Central Park Conservancy, Learning and Involvement for Volunteers in the Environment (L.I.V.E.): part-time assistant, help organize volunteers for You Gotta Have Park; Assistant Supervisor for adult and school groups | Intrepid Sea-Air-Space Museum: entry level museum education position, Reservations Coordinator/Administrative Assistant | Listening to Nature: How to Deepen Your Awareness of Nature |
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Chairman’s Message: Alarms Offshore | EEAC NEWS: Legislative Committee Update On Statewide EE Syllabus Infusion | EEAC Annual Membership Meeting, Brooklyn Botanic Gardens 11/18/1987 | Where Credit Is Due, the efforts by those behind New York: Naturally conference | NEWS FROM—Alley Pond Environmental Center: nature walks, workshops, musical events, and environmental exhibits | Columbia University: 11/20-21/1987 conference, “Neighborhoods, Land Use and the New York City Charter” | Con Edison: 1987-88 catalog of programs, exhibits and literature | Environmental Centers of Setauket-Smithtown: wide variety of programming for children | Elementary School Science Association (ESSA): Saturday Science 11/14/1987 | Environmental Quest, Inc.: Land Sailing at Gateway; Clearwater Pumpkin Festival; Training Explorer Advisors; NYC Transit Rally | Gateway Environmental Study Center: Teacher’s Workshop “Fall Changes” | Global Tomorrow Coalition: book, “The Citizen’s Guide to Global Issues” | High Rock Park Conservation Center: seasonal and topical walks, Saturdays and Sundays | Hugh Carey High School Recycling Program: student-run newspaper recycling program | Long Island Naturalists: information on meetings and workshops | L.I.V.E. – Learning and Involvement for Volunteers in the Environment: park preservation and education activities | National Audubon Society: Audubon Adventures Workshops, winter and spring | New Jersey School of Conservation: Teacher Training Environmental Education Workshops | New York Rainforest Alliance (NYRA): seeking new office space | New York Botanical Gardens – Institute of Ecosystem Studies: An Acid Rain Research Demonstration, open to the public | NYC Department of Sanitation: has begun the Curbside Recycling Program | New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG): “The Burning Question,” a report on garbage incineration vs. recycling | New York University – Environmental Conservation Education Program: Ecologues – ecological forums continues, fall 1987 | People For A Smoke-Free Indoors: A NYS Conference 10/30/1987 | Pocono Environmental Education Center: Hawk watch, seminars, workshops, etc. | Prospect Park Environmental Center: sailing, walks, subways, barges, photography, and bus tour | Queens College Center for Environmental Teaching and Research: residential environmental education programs for schools | Science Museum of Long Island: a non-profit, private science activity center | About EEAC | Shorewalkers: “Exploring the city around its edges” activity brings Shore Walker members and non-members together | Student Conservation Association: Job Scan, a national monthly listing of employment in the environmental field | Volunteers For Wildlife: advisory services, information on veterinarian assistance, training workshops, and educational programs on Long Island’s distressed wildlife. |
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“Brave Little Environmental Not-For-Profits: Saving the City?” by John C. Muir | EEAC NEWS—Legislative Update: The syllabus infusion continues to go relatively well. | “New York: Naturally II” EEAC’s bi-annual environmental education conference 11/7/87 (details p.8) | EEAC Family Membership Day at Pelham Bay Park 6/13/87 | New EEAC Steering Committee members: Fred Gerber, Peter Hearn, Sophie Johnson, Saundra Jones, Regina McCarthy, Lenore Miller, Marc Peters, Patti Reilly, Herb Yellin | Environmental Education In Japan by Elaine Alberts | EEAC Salutes—John Kominski, 1987 Kirschenbaum Award recipient; Joseph M. Varon, Eneas Sloman and Regina McCarthy, the Long Island University Presidential Awards to outstanding NY Science Educators; Kenneth Kowald, Science Council of NY special recognition award | “The Field Bag … What Should You Pack?” by John Kominski | NEWS FROM—Alley Pond Environmental Center: schedule of spring and summer programs; Association of Interpretive Naturalists: 1987 National Interpreters’ Workshop in St. Louis MO 11/1-7/87; Coalition For The Bight: formed as a public/private alliance for The New York Bight; Con Edison: Energy Fitness Van, a mobile exhibit visiting throughout NYC and Westchester; Elementary School Science Association: variety of exciting tour packages; Environmental Action Coalition: publication of “Woods and Water” curriculum; Frost Valley YMCA: Summer Camp opening position – Environmental Education Coordinator; Gateway Environmental Study Center: publication of Exploring the “Trails of Dead Horse Bay” by Maxwell (Mickey) Cohen, and contact info. for summer activities; Hoyt Farm Park: L.I. Indian and Archaeology programs – Children: Indian Life Activities in July and August ’87, Teachers: Learn skills and participate in activities in various classes 7/13-17/87; Inwood Heights Park Alliance: position available – Director of Volunteer and Youth Programs; National Audubon Society: Audubon Ecology Workshops five week-long sessions in July and August, scholarships provided; Natural Resources Group: series of publications – “The Country in the City,” “The Kazimifoff Nature Trail,” “The Gerritsen Creek Nature Trail,” and “The Great Trees of New York City;” Nature Specialty Training Center: Help Wanted – Nature Specialists at summer camps in various locations; NYC Dept of Sanitation: The Office of Recycling Programs and Planning, the City’s recycling goal, information on the Voluntary Drop-off Centers; New York-New Jersey Trail Conference, a consortium of 65 hiking clubs with over 4,000 members, publications include “The New York Walk Book” and the “Appalachian Trail Guide to New York and New Jersey;” NYC Street Tree Consortium: Tree Tips; NYS Marine Education Association: Annual conference “Beneath Sound and Sea” 5/29-31/87; New York Rainforest Alliance: “Interdependence and Responsibility” 10/16-18/87; New Jersey School of Conservation: environmental education programs, internships, graduate fellowships, and summer term courses; North American Association for Environmental Education: 16th Annual Conference “Showcase for Environmental Education Excellence: Gaining Momentum for the Challenge Ahead” 10/16-21/87; Pocono Environmental Education Center: planning of a “Learning By Design Workshop” 9/25-27/87 with the American Institute of Architects; Prospect Park Environmental Center: a new home at the Tennis House, and Help Wanted – Instructor in Environmental Education; Protectors of Pine Oak Woods, Inc.: join the Protectors, get their newsletter and program information; Queens College Center for Environmental Teaching and Research: residential environmental education program, CLASS Project – in-class environmental education program by the National Wildlife Federation; Sierra Club/Watson Summer Ecology Workshop: The 2nd annual environmental workshop for educators “A Family Camp Experience” 8/1-8/87; Sterling College: Wildbranch Writing Workshop in Craftsbury Common VT 6/21-27/87; Summer Camps for Special Children: Free list of summer sleep-away and day camps for children with disabilities; Instant Replay: EEAC’s annual membership meeting held last 11/22/86 at the Hall of Science | EEAC’s main goal. |
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Chairman’s Message: How I Spent My Summer Vacation – Environmental Attitudes in Britain | EEAC NEWS—Legislative News Update: syllabus booklets – infusion of environmental concepts; Steering Committee Meetings: Prospect Park Environmental Center 10/15/86; Magnolia Tree Earth Center 12/17/86; “Winter Wonders” at Gateway 1/31/87; Membership Meeting at Magnolia Tree Earth Center 2/21/87; Membership Meeting “The Vernal Equinox” at the UN 3/21/87; Science and Technology Week 4/5-11/87; Membership Program at the new North River Sewage Treatment Plant 4/11/87; Arbor Day 4/24/87; Family Membership Picnic 5/9/87; Membership Program at Pelham Bay Park 6/13/87 | EEAC to Visit New York Hall of Science 11/22/86 | Almanac Time Again by John Kominski | Vote Yes! Proposition One: Environmental Quality Bond Act To Come Before Voters In November | Methods of seed and fruit dispersal utilized by plants, illustration by High Rock Park | To The EEAC: “… No effort will succeed unless we educate the public on the need for the conservation of our resources. …” | NEWS FROM—Alley Pond Environmental Center: adult and family woodland (and wetland) programs; Brooklyn Sloop Club: Annual Pumpkin Festival 10/23/86; Coalition for the Protection of Long Island’s Groundwater: educational materials and films available; Cold Spring Harbor Fish Hatchery: aquarium open seven days a week; Community Service Society’s NY Technical Assistance Clearinghouse: links NY’s non-profit community with available resources; Con Edison: 1986-87 Catalog of Free Programs, Exhibits and Literature; Crystal Run Environmental Education Center, Spring Valley NY: day programs offered year-round; Elementary School Science Association: Saturday Science 11/15/1986; Fireboat House Environmental Center: “Teachers Teaching about Energy” graduate level course; Gateway Environmental Study Center sites and workshops: Floyd Bennett Field, Dead Horse Bay, North 40, Breezy Point District, Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge, Staten Island Unit, New Trail Guide – “Exploring the Trails of Dead Horse Bay” Thanksgiving: The Harvest Holiday – Teacher Workshops 10/23/86; Goddard-Riverside Environmental Education Program, HELP WANTED: Director of Environmental Education Program; High Rock Park Conservation Center: “Color of Fall hike” 10/26/86, “Halloween Night Hike” 10/31/86; Humane Education Committee: Animal Kind 1986 11/8/86; Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge: guided walks Sundays through November; National Institute for Urban Wildlife: The National Symposium on Urban Wildlife 11/3-6/86; New York Aquarium: “Sea Vegetables” 10/19/86, “Child’s Play/Fish Play” 10/22/86, “Ghost Crabs and Goblin Sharks” 10/31/86; NYC Dept of Parks and Recreation: The mission of the Natural Resources Group, “The Country in the City” guide to the city’s wetlands, woodlands, water and meadows; New York Hall of Science: Science Educators Reception 10/22/86; NYS Dept of Environmental Conservation: “Woodland Opportunities” series of workshops on teaching good forest management and protection; NYC Street Tree Consortium: “Street Tree Pruning and Maintenance” list of fall courses; NYS Marine Education Association: Creatures and the Sea Poster Contest; Non-Profit Computing Group: monthly computer clinics and workshops for nonprofit organizations; Pocono Environmental Education Center: fall/winter special events; Prospect Park Environmental Center: fall schedule of events; Trail of the Waters: a self-guided tour of the water course of Prospect Park; Protectors of Pine Oak Woods: autumn hike 10/18/86; Science Teachers Association of NYS: Annual Conference 11/2-4/86; Staten Island Greenbelt: new “Visitor’s Guide to the Greenbelt;” Staten Island Institute of Arts and Science (SIIAS): Stuart R. Lowrie, Ph.D. appointed the Curator of Science at SIIAS; Trust For Public Land papers: “Clinton Community Garden and Urban Open Space Programs,” “Incorporating Community-Run Open Spaces Into Urban Parks Systems,” and “A Methodology for Establishing Urban Greenbelts and Greenways;” Wave Hill: Habitat Restoration Symposium 10/30/86; EEAC’s main goal; Seeing Life Whole – by Joy Elmer Morgan. |
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Explore Long Island’s Scenic North Shore at Caumsett State Park, Queens College, Center for Environmental Teaching and Research 5/3/86 | If You’ve Never Seen FRESH KILLS, You’ve Never Seen Garbage 5/31/86 | EEAC Legislative Forum Great Success | Steering Committee Meeting at Queens Botanical Gardens 5/21/86, and at Alley Pond Environmental Center 6/18/86; Annual Membership Day at NYC Hall of Science 11/22/86 | NEWS FROM—Alley Pond Environmental Center, Saturdays throughout summer: Tai Chi, Insect ID and Walk, Travelers’ Tips, Street Tree Pruning, The Sky, Bird Walk, Plant Identification, Pond Walk, Insects and Plants, Star Gazing, Woodland Botanical Safari; American Littoral Society: Fulton Fish Market, Hike of the Palisades; American Museum of Natural History, programs for schools: Dinosaurs, Whale of the Week; Citizens Committee for NYC: The Block and Neighborhood Conference 5/10/86; Clay Pit Ponds State Park Preserve, weekends: Night Sounds of Spring, Children’s Gardening, Indians of Clay Pit Ponds, Pond Life, Project Learning Tree Teacher Training Workshop, Children’s Pottery, Reading the Weather, History of Sandy Ground; Elementary School Science Association: Niagara Falls – Toronto Science Centre Tour, Iceland Tour – Discover Iceland’s Beauty; Gateway Environmental Study Center, Tenth Anniversary Celebration: Beach Clean-Up for High School Students and National Park Service Employees 5/16/86, Beach Clean-Up for Community Youth Groups 5/17/86, Early Birding in the North 40 of Floyd Bennett Field 5/18/86; New York Academy of Science: National Science Week, “New York City: A Center for Science;” New York Botanical Garden: The Children’s Gardening Program, two ten-week sessions; NYS Marine Education Association: 12th Annual Conference 5/9-10/86, Third Annual “Marine Education Conference for Special Children” 5/30/86, Hawaiian natural history and marine biology on Kauai HI 8/6-19/86; Pocono Environmental Education Center: Creativity and the Computer, Warbler Weekend, Family Holiday Weekend, Plants of the Poconos, Elderhostel, Association for Interpretative Naturalists, Art Photography and the Environment; Prospect Park Environmental Center: Olmstead and Vaux’s Prospect Park, Special Family Workshop, Green Wood – A Work of Art, Mother’s Day Sail aboard Clearwater Sloop, Stained Glass of Prospect Park, Green-Woods Spring Nature, Historic Fort Greene, Prospect Park’s Renaissance, Brooklyn Up at Bat Bus Tour, Trail of the Waters, Backstage Brooklyn Bus Tour, Holiday Sail, Special Exhibition – Intimate Environments; Queens Botanical Gardens: The Children’s Garden is an adventure, HELP WANTED: Gardener/Interpreter; Watson Summer Ecology Workshops; HELP WANTED: Urban Environmental Instructors – Prospect Park Environmental Center; The Main Goal of EEAC; Environmental Challenges of the 80’s – Spring 1986 Conference. |
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Teachers Wanted for Environmental Sabbaticals | Legislative Educational Forum for the Environmental Community 3/15/86 | Outgoing chairperson’s review (Nancy A. Wolf), and a word from new chairman John C. Muir | Legislative Committee update on the selection of curriculum writers and field testers | Teacher-training Arbor Day workshops in each of the boroughs 4/18/86 | “New York: Naturally!” citywide conference report | A Reference Guide for Environmental Studies: List of schools and their programs | Program News From—Alley Pond Environmental Center: classes, workshops, walks, and exhibits | American Institute of Science and Technology of the City of New York: The 48th NYC School Science Fairs 4/14/86 | American Littoral Society: Cumberland Island Camping 3/30-4/4/86 | Institute for Earth Education: “Acclimatization” workshops by Steve Van Matre | NYC Urban Park Rangers: free walks and workshops in city parks | New York Academy of Science: “New York City: A Center of Science” highlights National Science Week 5/11-17/86 | Pocono Environmental Education Center: 1986 Calendar of Special Events | Queens Botanical Gardens: slide show/lecture, art, tub farming, pruning, and wildflowers and uses events | Wave Hill: exhibit, “For Love of Nature” | Watson Summer Ecology Workshop and North American for Environmental Education: Maho Bay Ecology Workshop, U.S. Virgin Islands, nine days in July 1986 | OUR PARKS—The Parks Council: future of Gateway National Recreation Area; Riverdale Park Today | GENERAL NEWS FROM—Clay Pit Ponds State Park Preserve; Gateway Environmental Study Center: overnight tent camping program; NY/NJ Trail Conference: help with the maintenance of NYC trails; NYS Dept of Environmental Conservation: Project Learning Tree, a K-12 supplementary environmental education program | PUBLICATIONS & OTHER RESOURCES—Alley Pond Environmental Center: DEC’s “Return A Gift To Wildlife” free poster and guide-book; Con Edison: new booklet, “Choosing Trees to Plant Near Power Lines,” nine minute videotape, “Hatchery on the Hudson,” and new “Catalog of Free Programs, Exhibits and Literature for 1985-86;” 1986 tide tables available from Moran Towing & Transportation Co. – McAllister Bros. Marine Towing – Torecamo Coastal Harbor Towing Corp; Queensboro Lung Association: pamphlets on protecting yourself against health hazards for do-it-yourself homeowners; School of Cooperative Technical Education: list of summer sleep-away and day camps for children with disabilities | OPPORTUNITIES—Nature Specialty Training Center; NY Botanical Garden: Part-time instructors needed for the new Children’s Garden; NYS Marine Education Association: leaders needed to conduct workshops; Pocono Environmental Education Center: Year-long Environmental Education Internships available; Outreach Letter by Michael Mann | Special presentation of Project WIZE at the Bronx Zoo, a new natural science curriculum program 2/15/86 | View of Halley’s Comet February 1986 and March 1986. |
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EEAC Legislative Committee Letter To Participants, NYS Environmental Education Talent Bank and Statewide Environmental Education Coalition re: infusing environmental concepts into the various subject areas of the State Syllabus and Curriculum | About the EEAC Newsletter | Details of the “New York: Naturally!” city-wide EE conference, 11/2-3/85 | A Reference Guide For Environmental Studies in the New York Metropolitan Area—List of both EE and the diverse Environmental Studies programs available in NYC (24 institutions and their programs) | Staten Island Greenbelt Symposium 10/12/85 | NEWS FROM—Alley Pond Environmental Center: Help Wanted – Education Assistant/Environmental Educator; Brooklyn Sloop Club: Annual Pumpkin Sail Festival; Central Park Conservancy: needs groups this fall to help clean lakes, paint benches, weed, prune and more; Clay Pit Pond State Park and Preserve: weekday and weekend programs; Citizens Committee for New York City: cash grants for school groups’ beautification projects; Consolidated Edison: contact list of local consumer education resources | Free Water Restrictor information | Gateway Environmental Study Center contact for programs and events | Greenburgh Nature Center: Help Wanted – Naturalist/Educator | New York Botanical Gardens: Help Wanter – Environmental Educator | NYC Dept of Sanitation: The Office of Recycling has entered into a contract with the Environmental Action Coalition; Help Wanter – Community Liaison for Office of Recycling | NYC Street Tree Consortium: expanded series of Citizen Pruner Courses | NYS Council on the Arts: sponsoring a series of practical demonstration networking workshops throughout the State | Pocono Environmental Education Center: Hawk Watch Weekend | Prospect Park Environmental Center (PPEC): Help Wanted – Administrative Assistant; PPEC PROGRAMS: Greenwood Cemetery Tour; The Great Autumn Trees; Brooklyn’s Old Coast | Queens Botanical Gardens: contact information for programs and newsletter | University of Rhode Island: Help Wanter – Field Teacher/Naturalist for Apprenticeship Program | NYC’s Bottle Bill of Rights | Autumn Crafts – Lesson Plan on Ammonia Prints | Ocean Discoveries Posing Questions (Excerpt from NY Times, 8/26/85) | HELP WANTED: to help EEAC design and present field experiences and other programs, or participate in the city-wide EE conference, “New York: Naturally!” |
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“New York: Naturally!” a city-wide environmental education conference, sponsored by EEAC and NYC Board of Ed, Division of Curriculum and Instruction, 11/2/85 at Murray Bergtraum HS, 11/3/85 field trips and related outdoor activities | List of EEAC Steering Committee Members (27 members and their affiliations) | Environmental Education at St. John’s University offered as a Minor | A Letter Representing the Next Step in the Statewide Environmental Education Effort | WORKSHOPS AND SEMINARS—Watson Ecology Workshop; Learning By Design Workshop; The Chesapeake: Prologue to the Future; Iceland Safari; Audubon Ecology Workshops and Scholarships; Wilderness ’85; Environmental Education Progress Toward a Sustainable Future | OPPORTUNITIES—Volunteers needed at PEEC; Environmental Educator/Organizer Position at Council on the Environment; Office Manager at North Wind Undersea Institute; Director of Development at Prospect Park Environmental Center | HELP WANTED: to help EEAC design and present field experiences and other programs, or participate in the city-wide EE conference, “New York: Naturally!” |
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EEAC Spring Membership Meeting, 5/5/84 at Clay Pit Ponds State Park Staten Island | At a statewide environmental education mini-conference: Nearly 40 representatives of environmental organizations; Reviewed, discussed, and strategized; Proposal to the Regents, a mandate to teach environmental education in all elementary and secondary schools in New York State | List of candidates for EEAC President with questions to ask them | John Kominski is EEAC’s new Program Chairperson | Membership Renewal, membership year is now the calendar year | Arbor Day Celebration at Queens Botanical Gardens 4/27/84 | Arbor Day Workshops for Educators, co-sponsored by EAC, NYS Dept of Ag and Markets, and NYS DEC: BRONX 3/21/84 New York Botanic Gardens; QUEENS 3/22/84 Queens Botanical Gardens; MANHATTAN 3/26/84 Horticultural Society of NY; BROOKLYN 3/27/84 Brooklyn Public Library at Grand Army Plaza; STATEN ISLAND 3/28/84 High Rock Conservation Center; BROOKLYN/QUEENS 3/29/84 Gateway Environmental Study Center | Arbor Day educational booklets for children: “City Trees, County Trees” and “Plant a Tree for Arbor Day” | EarthDay 1984—Peace Bell Ceremony – United Nations 3/20/84 | OF SPECIAL INTEREST—APEC 228-06 Northern Blvd, workshop on foraging for edible wild plants; PEEC, Dingmans Ferry, PA, A Fish and Wildlife Education Workshop; The NYS Marine Education Association Annual Conference, Queens College Center for Environmental Teaching, Caumsett State Park; The 17th Annual Watson Summer Ecology Workshop in Natural and Human Ecology; Nature Specialty Training Center, a camp nature specialist service started by Lenore Miller; Queens Botanical Gardens, a series of adult education programs; Urban Park Rangers programs: “Fishing in Crotona Park,” “Life, Leaves and Logs,” “Spring Astronomy on the Arch,” “Signs of Spring,” “Pre-School Teachers’ Workshop,” and “Early Spring Hike;” The Fireboat House Environmental Center: About the Center, the Site, its program workshops; Congratulations to PEEC for being selected as a PA State Finalist in the Search for Excellence in Science Education Program; Waterborne–The Sharing of Photographs, an exhibition by Ray Pfortner; Visions of the Environment, by Marjorie Kanny, at the Arsenal Gallery | HELP WANTED—Prospect Park Environmental Center: Museum and Environmental Educator; APEC: Summer Internships in Natural Resource Management; Council on the Environment of NYC: Environmental Educator | Gateway Environmental Study Center, Health and Physical Education Unit: a Beginners’ Guitar course, Third Annual Art and the Outdoors Festival open to class participation, and Spring workshops. |
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Membership Meetings: 10/22/83 in Central Park, at the Dairy and Belvedere Castle; 1/7/84 Magnolia Tree Earth Center of Bedford-Stuyvesant; 3/16-18/84 Pocono Environmental Education Center Conference | Steering Committee Meetings: 9/21/83 Environmental Action Coalition 417 Lafayette St; 10/19/83 Forest Park Eco-Center, Queens; 11/16/83 Consolidated Edison; 12/21/83 Bird House, Central Park | About EEAC | National Congress for Environmental Education Futures: Policies and Practices | Report on activities of EEAC’s Legislative Committee, effort to formalize environmental education throughout New York State public schools | Director of PEEC elected as a Fellow of The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) | Conferences and Workshops in Environmental Education—PEEC: Outdoor Managers’ Colloquium 12/2-4/83; Learning Styles Workshop 3/16-18/84; APEC: symposium – Environmental Education Ten Years Later-The State of the Art 11/17/83 | A Partial List of Youth, Adult and Family Programs in NYC Fall Season, from September 20 – November 27 (71 events listed) | Gateway Environmental Study Center: “Nature of the City,” a series of eight programs for teachers and students | Ongoing Activities—Alley Pond Environmental Center (APEC): a variety of educational activities for youngsters during and after school and weekends; Environmental Action Coalition (EAC): The Returnable Container Law (brochure and teacher workshops); Prospect Park Environmental Center: on-site education of the Brooklyn Bridge; Queens Botanical Gardens: School Tours and Workshops; Queensboro Lung Association: new Breathing Easy Program on emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and chronic asthma; Travelogs Into Nature Associates: Slide shows, narrated and set to music. |
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EEAC Membership Meetings – plans: Octoberquest – Gateway; Wave Hill; PEEC–EAC-AIA Conference; Annual Meeting – April; Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge – May | Steering Committee Meetings Schedule Oct-Jun | CALENDAR—Brownstone Environmental Fair; Clearwater Annual Meeting; Octoberquest – Gateway; Open House – APEC (Alley Pond Environmental Center); Science Update – Franklin Delano Roosevelt High School; Astronomy Program – APEC; Art Works – Park West H.S.; PEEC (Pocono Environmental Education Center) & PESTS (Pennsylvania Earth Science Teachers Society) present an Earth and Social Science Workshop; Holiday Fair – APEC; New York State Emissions Test (leaflet); Queens Botanical Garden Education Dept, brochure on Tours & Workshops for school groups; APEC Sunday afternoon Walks. |
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EEAC Elections 1982 results | Watson Ecology Workshop on Thompson Island, Boston Harbor | Environmental Action Coalition—Youth Conservation Corps – Summer 1982; Recycling Education | AVAILABLE OPPORTUNITIES—Environmental Conservation Institute – “Energy, Environment & Health” incorporating health, air pollution, and energy conservation education into classroom curricula; New York University M.A. Program in Environmental Conservation Education; Montclair State College – New Jersey School of Conservation: summer courses, including Outdoor Teaching Sites; Keystone Junior College – PEEC: interns needed with outdoor/science qualifications; Cooperative Extension – New York State: position for Cooperative Extension Specialist, NYC Horticulture | GATEWAY—Spring/Summer Progrom Guide 1982: Jamaica Bay & Breezy Point; Staten Island: The nature of Great Kills; Sandy Hook; and other National Park Service sites. |
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List of Candidates for Officers and Steering Committee positions | EEAC Voting Procedures | Post-meeting speaker from the Port Authority, how the World Trade Center operates within the urban environment | Pocono Environmental Education Center (PEEC)—Elderhostel Week at PEEC; Family Vacation Camp at PEEC; Culture and Environment Workshop at PEEC; NYSOEA Annual Conference, Catskill Region, invitation to the planning of the conference | CALENDAR/PROGRAMS/SERVICES—The Con Edison Energy Museum re-opens; Summer Sleep-Away Camps; Urban Park Rangers-Weekend Walks | Special Event: A Sail Aboard the Sloop ‘Clearwater’ | Gateway Environmental Study Center series of Spring programs—Stargazing—Sandy Hook: “Seven Wonders of the Universe;” Breezy Point: “Lives of the Stars;” Staten Island: “Telescopes;” Jamaica Wildlife: “An Exploration of the Giant Planets” | Alley Pond Environmental Center (APEC)—New APEC Executive Announcement; APEC to receive allocation from State budget for student field trips and upgrading its recycling center; Interpretive Wetland Walks every Sunday. |
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Chairman’s Message, John Kominski | Gateway Environmental Study Center – Fourth Annual Winter Wonder Workshop, Art and the Outdoors Sat. Jan 30, 1982 | WORKSHOPS — Give Me Some Space: Build a three-dimensional environment; Foiled Again: Create your own burnished bas-relief; Collect and Construct: Combine art and science while on a field walk; Balancing Act: Use Gateway’s new film strip, “Animal Life at Gateway;” As Far As The Eye Can See: Participants, acting as living cameras, will produce a panoramic mural of Gateway scenes; No Strings Attached: Puppetry connecting a creative art experience with language skills; The Art of Greening: If you want to garden in your classroom this winter | Earth Day ’82 | Pocono Environmental Education Center (PEEC) Workshop | The Fireboat House Environmental Center, a waterfront youth facility | Gateway Walks — Sandy Hook; Jamaica Bay: Wildlife Refuge; Plumb Beach; Breezy Point; Staten Island: Great Kills | Cornell University Cooperative Extension Workshops at Gateway Environmental Study Center — Down to Earth, Breaking Ground for a School Garden; Plant Propagation Made Easy; Eating Well and Liking It | Available Programs/Services Enrichment — Consolidated Edison programs on energy conservation, historical significance, others; The New York Biology Teachers’ Association (NYBTA) share and learn what is going on in your field; Superstuff: program on asthma and a series on basic self-help skills; Protectors of Pine Oak Woods on Staten Island | M.A. Degree Program in ‘Environmental Conservation Education’ at New York University | Job Opportunities — Instructor, Intern at Keystone Junior College, Pocono Environmental Education Center; Park Ranger (Summer 1982), NYC Parks | EEAC Membership Dues (List of paid members). |
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A Message from the Chairman, John Kominski | Octoberquest 10/3/1981 at Gateway Environmental Study Center | “Art of the Olmsted Landscape” an exhibit at the American Wing of the Metropolitan Museum of Art | Teaching the Art of the Olmsted Landscape in Prospect Park | City Parks and Streets Improved: street trees cared by the Youth Conservation Corps (YCC), sponsored by the Environmental Action Coalition (EAC) | Information by Telephone: The Sky Reporter; Rare Bird Alert; Energy Hotline | Alley Pond Environmental Center Health Fair Oct. 15-18 | Course offered – “Humane Education: Understanding the Interrelationship of Animals and Humans in Today’s Society” | EEAC Members Weekend at the Audubon Center in Greenwich, CT. |
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The List of Candidates seeking election as Officers and as members of the Steering Committee | CALENDAR EVENTS—”An Evening with Tom Paxton,” noted fold singer; “New Jersey Conference on Water Crisis;” Marine Science Conference; Environmental Conservation Institute – “Energy, Environment, Health” | Freebies: “We Care About Oceans” posters and teacher guide; “The Energy Consumer” free newsletter | Gateway National Recreation Area—”Come Fly With Us” | Special Events at Gateway—Environmental Science for Urban Students; Full Moon at Plumb Beach; You Too Can Be A Deputy Mayor or Water Conservation For All; King of the Forest, Queen of the Sea; Four Saturday Workshops on Astronomy; Daytime Astronomy; National Astronomy Day; Practicing Sky Observation; Navigation by Birds and Man | Program Suggestions/Assistance—National Maritime Historical Society; Clear Air Week – May 3-9, 1981; Outdoor Classroom Ideas; ‘Know Your Materials’ | National Science Teachers’ Association, 29th Annual Convention, April 2-6, New York City—more than 40 tours—Schools; Gateway National Recreation Area; Riverside Park-The Geology of Manhattan and the Lower Hudson Valley; Museum of Holography; Queens Botanical Garden; Cruise on the Research Vessel ‘Pisces;’ Staten Island-New York City’s Last Frontier; Walking Tour of Thomas Edison’s “First District” | Reminder: Steering Committee Meeting 3 pm and Election 4 pm, April 9, 1981 at Cornell Cooperative Extension, 111 Broadway. |
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Third Annual Winter Wonders Workshop | Workshop Choices—Air Crafts: Flight in the Classroom; Which Way is the Wind Blowing? Field Walk: Flight & Other Adaptations; Flight of Fancy: More Creative Writing; A Green Thumb in Winter; Environmental Education Advisory Council—Officers, Steering Committee, Honorary Members, and Newsletter Editor | Schedule of EEAC Meetings 1981 | Winter Activities Workshop, co-sponsored by the Pocono Environmental Education Center with the American Nature Study Society, Feb. 20-22, 1981. |
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Results of the Votes on EEAC Officers and Steering Committee | EEAC Fall Calendar – Gateway Environmental Study Center—courses: Establishing a School Garden; Camp Leadership; Harvesting; Marine Science in the Classroom; Environmental Education: Back to Basics; Plant Propagation in the Classroom | Alley Pond Environmental Center—Pre-School Program; Walk in Alley Pond Woodlands; Teachers’ Workshop: flora and fauna of the saltmarsh; Bird Seed Savings Day; Nature Walk; Access Day: making the center accessible to the handicapped; Honey Harvest | The New York Public School Early Childhood Association—Understanding Map & Compass for Teachers of Young Children; Music Through the Years; Reading Through Art | EEAC Program Highlights 1980—Participation – Conferences at Science Council of New York and Marymount College; Exhibit at Earth Day ’80; Tour of the Dairy in Central Park and ‘owl prowl;’ Membership meeting at High Rock Conservation Center; Membership meeting at Cornell Cooperative Extension Service and Walking Tour of Lower Manhattan | Planning for the coming year: Evening sail on the Clearwater; Star gazing and campfire sociability at Gateway’s Ecology Village; Membership meetings at various environmental education facilities. |
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—missing bottom third of pgs 5 & 6— Chairman’s Report by Bernard Kirschenbaum | EEAC Calendar of Events | Clearwater Calendar | 1981 Annual Convention – National Science Teachers Association | Gateway Environmental Study Center | Environmental Science | Long Island Geology | Clear Air Week – May 4-10 | Announcements — Job Opportunity: Museum Instructors, Dept of the American Museum of Natural History; Scholarship Available: Queensboro Lung Association; 13th Annual Watson Summer Ecology Workshop in Natural & Human Ecology, Cape Cod, MA. |
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EEAC’s Goals | Message from the Chair, Bernard Kirschenbaum | EEAC Calendar of Events | Gateway Environmental Study Center Calendar of Events | Consolidated Edison Opens Energy Information Center | Gateway Environmental Study Center Group | Pocono Environmental Education Center (PEEC) | Council on the Environment, NYC |
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Residential Environmental Studies at PEEC in the Pocono Mountains | Earth Center Hosts Meeting with D.E.C. Representative | Teacher Scholarship for Summer Institute |
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“EEAC Continues to Grow” | “EEAC offers the New York City educator” | NAEE Conferenced Scheduled: 7th Annual Conference April 30 – May 2, 1978 in Chicago | Environmental Center for Prospect Park | Sun Day Scheduled for May 3rd | EEAC to Again Participate in World Environment Day |
2007-2019 (37) | 1991-2005 (33) | 1978-1990 (27)
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