Read the current EEAC newsletter:
Summer 2019 (PDF 12 pages 2.45 MB)
From Activism to Outdoor Education: James Baldwin Outdoor Learning Center at DeWitt Clinton High School | Message from EEAC Chairperson River DiLeo | Green Schools Catalyst Quarterly | Report on TEEP III Workshop 12/13/2018 | Book Buzz book review: The Street Beneath My Feet | DEP Student Art & Poetry 2019 entries | NYSOEA/EEAC Membership Swap | EEAC membership form
Teacher Environmental Education Preparation (TEEP)
is now the
Environmental Education Projects Forum (EEPF)
or "The Forum"
The Forum Workshop V
January 14, 2021, Thursday, 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Following TEEP Workshops I, II, III, and IV.
Syllabi Bank — List of Courses and their Syllabi
TEEP Report IV (December 12, 2019 TEEP Workshop)
The Environmental Education Advisory Council (EEAC) is the only nonprofit organization with the sole purpose of promoting and supporting outstanding environmental education in New York City schools and other centers for learning.
Established in 1974, EEAC has advocated for excellence in formal and informal education in New York City and beyond. EEAC provides a network and forum for all committed to environmental education to grow professionally and to share ideas and information.
From its inception, EEAC has served as an advisory group to organizations and individuals while also developing and implementing environmental education programs and initiatives.
Through its membership, monthly meetings, website, newsletter, electronic listserv, and committees, EEAC provides a wide range of programs and services and relays information about environmental education resources and issues. It serves as New York City's umbrella environmental education organization, bringing together people and resources throughout the metropolitan area.