SC minutes 11/18/2020

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EEAC Steering Committee Regular Monthly Meeting

Wednesday, November 18, 2020, 5:30 – 7:00 pm, ZOOM Conference

Participants:Fran Agnon
 Isa Del Bello
 River DiLeo
 E. Shig Matsukawa
 Bonnie McGuire
 Mary Most
 Ray Pultinas
Bonnie Ralston
 Christina Tobitsch (NYSOEA)
 Robert Wallace
Mike Zamm

Committee Reports and Updates

Approved previous meeting minutes

  1. Annual Meeting – Eventbrite Invitation set for 5:30 to 7:00 pm, December 3, 2020
    1. Subsequent meeting to discuss planning set up for Monday, November 23, 2020   
    2. Agenda for the Annual meeting was presented and discussed EEAC Annual Meeting Agenda
    3. Discussion around creating opportunities for networking, cited by Mary as one of the foundational features of EEAC what EEAC Annual Meetings are known for.  The importance of conveying who we are and not just about business.  Breakout sessions at the end of the conference seen as opportunity to virtualize this experience.
  2. Communications
    1. Meeting scheduled for December 7 
    2. discussion ensued ranging from creating more EEAC swag to a marketing plan, expanding outreach, redesigning logo.
    3. Web Updates – Shig showed latest advancements of Data Base of Environmental Education Providers.  A meeting was eventually scheduled on December 14.
  3. EEAC and NYSOEA Partnership
    1. Christina reported on NYSOEA Annual Conference. – good virtual presentations.
    2. Winter weekend will not take place this year due to Covid
    3. EthicsAccessInclusion group hosting book club/facebook discussion of Colors of Nature; Culture Identity and the Natural World. Deming and Savoy.
  4. Environmental Education Projects Forum
    1. No updates, continued planning for January meeting.
    2. Mike is preparing questions based on President elect Biden’s Climate Plan.  EEPF and EEAC will be in a position to propose directly to the President or Jill Biden.  
    3. Mention was made about Mayor DiBlasio moving forward on a NYC Green New Deal
  5. Membership and Finance
    1. New Lifetime Member ($250): Zoe Stolbun, City Gardens Club:
    2. 31 LIfetime, 23 Individual Members, 2 Student, 55 Indiv thru 16 Org
      (vs 2019 = 30 Lifetime, 42 Indiv, 12 Student, 79 Indiv thru 29 Org)
      Note: we keep “expired” members on the roster for a year or two.
    3. Eventbrite reaching threshold of 500 recipients. 
  6. Strategic Planning Update
    1. Bonnie McGuire brought up infographic on strategic adaptive planning manager and questioned whether we have an Implementation Manager
    2. Bonnie Ralsto agreed to this role reminding us of its embryonic form and desiring to go through each of the subcommittees especially as we transition and attempt to feed more of our membership into Communications
  7. Nominating Committee
    1. Some discussion of the switching of roles between Bonnie Mcguire and Mary Most – River and Mary will look and discuss by laws before moving switch to the Nominating Committee.

Respectfully Submitted
Raymond Pultinas
EEAC Secretary