DEG Kentucky Coffee Tree 10/30/2022

About EEAC


The Environmental Education Advisory Council of New York City cultivates an inclusive community committed to increasing its capacity to understand and address NYC’s environmental and related societal challenges. —9/18/2019

EEAC & Environmental Justice Rowing Event

Founded in 1974, EEAC is a non-profit, tax deductible organization made up of dedicated educators, youth leaders, environmental professionals and students. EEAC members work together to stimulate and encourage environmental education in New York City and the surrounding region. 

The purpose of the Environmental Education Advisory Council is to:

  • Speak with a single voice to influence environmental education policy.
  • Make environmental education information readily available to classroom teachers.
  • Advise the New York City Department of Education on the benefits of including environmental concepts in all aspects of the curriculum.
  • Serve as a permanent advisory group to the New York City Department of Education.
  • Help educators develop in young people a responsible attitude toward the natural and built environment.
  • Share in the enjoyment of the environment.

EEAC Steering Committee

The steering committee meets monthly to discuss and report on committee activities which include Programs (networking events, workshops, conferences, and tours), Communications (newsletter, social media, website, and listserv), Finance and Fundraising, Membership, Special Projects (EEPF/TEEP), and Liaisons with other environmental education (EE) related organizations (NYSOEA, Green Horizons, SCONYC).

Visit the Steering Committee page for information on meetings, the steering committee officers and members, and EEAC’s Adaptive Plan the roadmap resulting from a strategic planning process.