Watershed Agricultural Council

"The Watershed Agricultural Council (also known as “WAC” or “the Council”) works with farm and forest landowners in the New York City Watershed region to protect water quality on behalf of nine million New York residents. The Council uses

  • Whole Farms Plans
  • Forest Management Plans
  • Conservation Easements

to help farmers, forest professionals and private landholders address water pollution concerns on properties located in the Croton and Catskill/Delaware Watersheds.

"Internationally recognized as a successful example of public-private partnership, the Council applies strategic watershed management approaches that benefit the general public through incentivized, on-site practices performed on private lands. This partnership model, referred to as “Payment for EcoServices” or PES, empowers private landowners to be surface-water stewards of New York City’s drinking water. Landowner willingness to participate in WAC’s upstream water quality programs continues to provide New York City residents with over 1.1 billion gallons of clean drinking water each day."

Provides EEPL Programs
Professional Learning Overview

NYC Watershed forestry - learn about watershed form and function, forest ecosystems and their services, and the history, engineering and operation of the NYC water supply system with a special focus on the critical role of healthy, well-managed forests in filtering and protecting water quality.

EEPL Program(s) — Environmental Education Professional Learning Program(s)