EEAC Newsletter Spring-Summer 1987

EEAC Newsletter Spring-Summer 1987
Newsletter date
16 pages
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In this issue:
EEAC’s main goal
“New York: Naturally II” EEAC’s bi-annual environmental education conference 11/7/87 (details p.8)
EEAC Family Membership Day at Pelham Bay Park 6/13/87
NYS Marine Education Association: Annual conference “Beneath Sound and Sea” 5/29-31/87;
New York Rainforest Alliance: “Interdependence and Responsibility” 10/16-18/87;
North American Association for Environmental Education: 16th Annual Conference “Showcase for Environmental Education Excellence: Gaining Momentum for the Challenge Ahead” 10/16-21/87;
Pocono Environmental Education Center: planning of a “Learning By Design Workshop” 9/25-27/87 with the American Institute of Architects;
Sierra Club/Watson Summer Ecology Workshop: The 2nd annual environmental workshop for educators “A Family Camp Experience” 8/1-8/87;
“Brave Little Environmental Not-For-Profits: Saving the City?” by John C. Muir
Environmental Education In Japan by Elaine Alberts
“The Field Bag … What Should You Pack?” by John Kominski
Instant Replay: EEAC’s annual membership meeting held last 11/22/86 at the Hall of Science
EEAC NEWS—Legislative Update: The syllabus infusion continues to go relatively well.
New EEAC Steering Committee members: Fred Gerber, Peter Hearn, Sophie Johnson, Saundra Jones, Regina McCarthy, Lenore Miller, Marc Peters, Patti Reilly, Herb Yellin
EAC Salutes—John Kominski, 1987 Kirschenbaum Award recipient;
Joseph M. Varon, Eneas Sloman and Regina McCarthy, the Long Island University Presidential Awards to outstanding NY Science Educators;
Kenneth Kowald, Science Council of NY special recognition award
NEWS FROM—Alley Pond Environmental Center: schedule of spring and summer programs;
Association of Interpretive Naturalists: 1987 National Interpreters’ Workshop in St. Louis MO 11/1-7/87;
Coalition For The Bight: formed as a public/private alliance for The New York Bight;
Con Edison: Energy Fitness Van, a mobile exhibit visiting throughout NYC and Westchester;
Elementary School Science Association: variety of exciting tour packages;
NYC Dept of Sanitation: The Office of Recycling Programs and Planning, the City’s recycling goal, information on the Voluntary Drop-off Centers;
Protectors of Pine Oak Woods, Inc.: join the Protectors, get their newsletter and program information;
Summer Camps for Special Children: Free list of summer sleep-away and day camps for children with disabilities;
Hoyt Farm Park: L.I. Indian and Archaeology programs – Children: Indian Life Activities in July and August ’87, Teachers: Learn skills and participate in activities in various classes 7/13-17/87;
National Audubon Society: Audubon Ecology Workshops five week-long sessions in July and August, scholarships provided;
New Jersey School of Conservation: environmental education programs, internships, graduate fellowships, and summer term courses;
Queens College Center for Environmental Teaching and Research: residential environmental education program, CLASS Project – in-class environmental education program by the National Wildlife Federation;
Sterling College: Wildbranch Writing Workshop in Craftsbury Common VT 6/21-27/87;
Frost Valley YMCA: Summer Camp opening position – Environmental Education Coordinator;
Inwood Heights Park Alliance: position available – Director of Volunteer and Youth Programs;
Help wanted
Nature Specialty Training Center: Help Wanted – Nature Specialists at summer camps in various locations;
Prospect Park Environmental Center: a new home at the Tennis House, and Help Wanted – Instructor in Environmental Education;
Environmental Action Coalition: publication of “Woods and Water” curriculum;
Gateway Environmental Study Center: publication of Exploring the “Trails of Dead Horse Bay” by Maxwell (Mickey) Cohen, and contact info. for summer activities;
Natural Resources Group: series of publications – “The Country in the City,” “The Kazimifoff Nature Trail,” “The Gerritsen Creek Nature Trail,” and “The Great Trees of New York City;”
New York-New Jersey Trail Conference, a consortium of 65 hiking clubs with over 4,000 members, publications include “The New York Walk Book” and the “Appalachian Trail Guide to New York and New Jersey;”
How-to's, Lesson plans
NYC Street Tree Consortium: Tree Tips;