Environmental Education Advisory Council of NYC (EEAC)

By Admin , May 2, 2024

Join us for a virtual lunchtime session to discuss the role of standards in environmental education programs!

Lunch and Learn: The Role of Standards in Environmental Education Programs

In light of recent conversations on EEAC’s list-serv, a problem of practice has emerged discussing the role of learning standards in environmental education programs and materials.

By Admin , November 27, 2023

Get ready for the EEAC Annual Meeting (2023), a gathering of environmental enthusiasts where ideas, collaboration, and people come together!

Community Classrooms at Pier 57
Daffodil Classroom
W 15th St, West Side Highway, New York, NY 10011 
and on Zoom

By Admin , January 18, 2023

Register to sign up and receive the Zoom link.

During this session participants will engage in facilitated discussion and reflection to generate a list of specific projects that promote and implement environmental education in schools and non-formal settings in NYC and its immediate region.

Ongoing Forum Projects Include:

By Admin , December 6, 2022

Join the EEAC community in reflecting on the past year, looking forward to 2023, and catching up with familiar faces!

EEAC (Environmental Education Advisory Council) Steering Committee members will present brief reports on where we are, and where we hope to go in 2023. And how you can join in achieving our mission!

There will be time for networking, discussion, and reflection with your colleagues.

By Admin , November 16, 2021

Join the EEAC community in reflecting on the past year, looking forward to 2022, and catching up with familiar faces!

Hear from a panel of guest experts reflecting on the challenges and hopes they see in Environmental Education from varied perspectives including higher education, K-12 schools, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations.

By Admin , June 4, 2021

Join the EEAC community for a virtual SKILL SHARE session!

EEAC (Environmental Education Advisory Council) is excited to announce our second skill share of the year!

Join us as we hear stories from the field about how partnerships have built organizational capacity to serve youth and communities in NYC.

We’ll hear from representatives from:

By Admin , February 17, 2021

Join the EEAC community for a virtual technology skill share session!

EEAC is excited to announce our first technology skill share! Join us to explore a variety of low cost and no cost resources to support remote environmental education programming.

We have all pivoted in such a short amount of time to engage audiences remotely and we hope by sharing skills we can head forward on more solid footing.