Ilana Weinstein

Youth Programs Manager

Ilana Weinstein is the Youth Programs Manager at Wave Hill, a nonprofit arts and garden in the Bronx. Ilana manages two forest restoration-based high school internships for NYC high schoolers. In this role, she maintains and evaluates curriculum for three college level courses, weekly workshops for high schoolers, and summer restoration work. Prior to working for Wave Hill, Ilana was Program Manager at City Parks Foundation, and prior to that was an Urban Park Ranger for the NYC Parks Department, serving her local community in the Bronx by providing free public programming and school programming in parks. She received her bachelor’s degree in Conservation Biology from the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY ESF), and her master’s degree in Environmental Conservation Education from New York University (NYU).  Her academic and professional work has focused on urban ecology, urban environmental education, and culturally relevant education practices. Born and raised in the Bronx, she continues to serve her community as well as the larger NYC community.

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