TEEP Workshop IV (2019)

By Admin , October 21, 2019
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TEEP Workshop IV at NYU
Teacher Environmental Education Preparation (TEEP) Workshop IV
Event Date
Event Time

NYU — New York University, Pless Hall Lounge 
82 Washington Square East 
New York, NY 10011 [map]


This event builds communities of educators to work on specific projects that support classroom teachers in NYC.

Join Your Colleagues To Build On The Work of TEEP I, II, and III.

TEEP is a network of university faculty, government agency representatives, environmental professionals and informal educators working together to both bring about increased opportunities for environmental education (EE) in pre-service teacher education and to support broad based initiatives that would provide more EE to students while reinforcing EE in teacher preparation.

8:30 am - 9 am
Breakfast and Lunch will be provided

Morning Session starts at 9 am

Topics Covered in Roundtable Presentations and Discussions

  • Teacher Preparation in Colleges of Education
  • Climate Change Education Conference
  • A Weather Station in Every School
  • The Environmental Education Clearinghouse
  • The New York State Environmental Literacy Plan
  • Strengthening the Sustainability Coordinator Position in the Public Schools

Afternoon Session ends at 3:30 pm

Strategy sessions on some or all of the topics covered in the morning will be held. Each group will develop and present ideas for change.