EEPF – The Forum

Environmental Education Projects Forum
“The Forum”

Forum Projects | About TEEP – Syllabi Bank | About EEPF | About TEEP

Forum Projects:

The Right to Learn How Nature Works

After working with a coalition of organizations to help with the approval of an amendment to the New York State Constitution which states that “Each person shall have the right to clean air and water and a healthful environment”, EEAC/the Forum will work to secure formal recognition of “the Right to Learn How Nature Works”. [March 2021]

Weather Stations in Schools

The Forum has restarted a project to work with City College to install weather stations in schools to help students learn about climate change. [November 2021]

TEEP – Teacher Environmental Education Preparation:

TEEP – Syllabi Bank [July 2020] (See About below)

TEEP Workshops and Reports
Workshops I, II, III, and IV.

Forum Workshops and Reports
Workshop V. (For workshops I-IV, see TEEP Workshops and Reports above.)

Possible Future Projects

  1. Biodiversity tour of urban gardens and related sites using a passbook system.
  2. Partner with City College in a Climate Solutions Center on Governors Island if the project is funded.

About TEEP – Syllabi Bank

The Environmental Education Advisory Council (EEAC) and its Teacher Environmental Education Preparation (TEEP) subcommittee is issuing a call to all colleges with teacher environmental education preparation and environmental education programs, to submit their syllabi of environmental/sustainability courses offered to candidates for teacher certification and courses offered to environmental education candidates, for availability to others on this EEAC website.

EEAC/TEEP is collecting syllabi in an effort to create a syllabi bank on this website with examples for adoption by others of how environmental education is integrated into teacher preparation.

Professor Yael Wyner’s course on “Principles of Life Science” at CCNY for undergraduate students seeking to become elementary school teachers and Dr. Rebecca Light’s review of the incorporation of access to non-formal settings into the training of pre-service early childhood education candidates at NYU, are excellent examples of materials that are available on EEAC’s Syllabi Bank.

All colleges of education are invited to visit the Syllabi Bank and assess whether they can adapt any of the courses to their own programs and/or if they want to contribute to the bank.

To contribute please send your syllabi, no more than 6-10 pages in PDF format, to

To review courses already in the syllabi bank for possible adaptation, go to Syllabi Bank.

For more information, email Mike Zamm at

  About EEPF
  About TEEP

About EEPF

Formerly Teacher Environmental Education Preparation (TEEP), the EEPF is a partnership between the Environmental Education Advisory Council (EEAC) and NYU Wallerstein Collaborative for Urban Environmental Education.

While continuing to pursue TEEP’s goal of fostering more environmental education (EE) in teacher preparation programs in colleges of education throughout New York State, EEPF will bring together environmental educators from universities, government agencies, and non-formal organizations at an annual workshop and at specific project meetings to generate ideas for promoting and implementing EE in schools and non-formal settings in New York City, and when necessary, the regions beyond NYC.

At four workshops from 2016-2019 TEEP evolved into EEPF by stimulating participants to recommend projects such as a climate change education conference for teachers and non-formal educators, now coordinated by EEAC’s program committee, a clearinghouse for teachers which will be a searchable database of EE opportunities in NYC to include EE organizations and services, a project to work with a coalition based at City College to build weather stations in schools as a means of reinforcing climate change education and an effort to strengthen the sustainability coordinator position in the NYC public schools.

At a meeting in February 2020 the EEAC steering committee proposed starting, on the EEAC website, a “syllabi bank” of EE courses and programs offered to prospective teachers at colleges of education which could be adapted by any of the 131 teacher training institutions in the state. Work has commenced on this effort. This will be an ongoing project of the EEPF.

Additional projects will be generated. For more information or to become involved in the EEPF contact Mike Zamm at

About TEEP

Previous statement before becoming EEPF:
Teacher Environmental Education Preparation (TEEP)
TEEP is a partnership between EEAC and NYU’s Wallerstein Collaborative for Urban Environmental Education in the Steinhardt School. This collaboration has been created to foster more environmental education in teacher preparation programs at colleges and universities throughout the state of New York. Many statewide symposia have been held.

TEEP’s goals are now continued under EEPF.

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